This is just a quick post...since I haven't posted in probably a month and need to update before I get too far behind.
Lots of things have been going on.
1. We are moving in 5 days!
2. Packing, packing and more packing.
3. Cleaning...and more packing.
4. Keeping the boys busy inbetween the packing.
5. Ryan passed level 2 preschool swimming and now will start level 3 July 2nd. We very proud of him!
6. Took pictures of the boys..i've been slacking :(
7. Alex is still my crazy wild child and having a blast with everything.
8. New dishwasher bought for new place.
9. Should have packed...but was sunny so played out in the sun :p
10. Last day of preschool was today.
Picture time!