Our Tree!

I was playing with the camera today, trying to get a good shot of the tree, but not just a normal shot, something like a WOW pic.  Well I got my "WOW" pic, I made my tree twinkle lol!  It took a while for me to get a good shot but I did and I love it!

Elf on the Shelf

Love this idea and totally doing it with my boys.  This is my Elf, for Elf on the Shelf, thanks for the idea Racheal :)  Our Elf doesn't have a name but i've had him since 2007...i'm sure Ryan will come up with something weird lol, and we are going to start Dec 1st :)

Here's a little bit about "Elf in the Shelf"

Every day from Thanksgiving until Christmas Eve, each family's scout elf watches over the children and then at night, once everyone goes to bed, the elf flies back to the North Pole to report back to Santa about what activities, good and bad, took place throughout the day. Before the family wakes up each morning, the scout elf flies back from the North Pole and hides. By hiding in a new spot each morning around the house, the scout elf and the family play an on-going game of hide and seek. The Elf on the Shelf explains that elves get their magic by being named. In the back of each book, families have an opportunity to write their elf's name and the date that they adopted it. Once the elf is named, the scout elf receives its special Christmas magic which allows it to fly to and from the North Pole. However, the magic might go if touched, so the rule for The Elf on the Shelf states: "There's only one rule that you have to follow so I will come back and be here tomorrow: Please do not touch me. My magic might go, and Santa won't hear all I've seen or I know." Although families aren't supposed to touch their scout elf, they can talk to it and tell it all their Christmas wishes so it can report back to Santa accurately.

Boys are DONE!

Whew, Ryan and Alex are all set for Christmas!! Ryan is all set for his birthday...there might be an extra thing or 2 later...and part of Alex's birthday is done. A few more presents to go for others and I can start wrapping! - I hate wrapping! :p

Not ready to wake yet.

Alex had been napping for about an hour when he woke up crying, I went to get him and we cuddled for a minute but he wouldn't sit still so I layed him on the chair and he was fine and fell back asleep.  I guess he wasn't quit ready to wake up yet!

Computer Time

Ryan is getting older *sigh* and i'm trying to find more things to keep him and his mind busy.  He's a master at puzzles, loves to, read, color, paint, use stickers...anything.  So now i've started to teach him how to use the computer.....yep the computer.  He's gonna have to learn eventually so why not start now. 

I've found a few preschool games on line and he's been doing great with them, he's a fast learner.  This kid is gonna be bored when he gets to kindergarten lol, he's gonna be so far ahead the other kids, or a lot of kids.

Alex might be ahead of the game to since he has an older brother to look up to, he wants to do everything Ryan does.  He likes to sit and watch and check it all out.

Hanging out

Today a friend of mine took our boys down to the Lonsdale Quay, I love going there on holidays or weekends because the bus fare is so cheap.  It's nice to go some where different once in a while too!

It seems like forever to get there, the boys were ansty and just wanted to get there, and so did I.  Once we got there we walked around and then we let the boys loose.  Outside of one of the stores there was a train table....and that was it, the boys were loving it!  They didn't care that they only had cars to play on it and playing on a train table is some serious business!

We wanted to take them to the play area which was literally 10 feet away and we pretty much had to drag them all away from the table, it's like they didn't believe us there was a play area.  Once they realized we actually weren't lying they totally forgot about the train table and were in the play area in no time.

lol, it's a lot of hard work in the ball pit!

If we ever get a bigger place i'm totally going to have a ball pit made, the boys all had a tone of fun and got a good work out.  They would have stayed in there all day if we let them!

After a lot of play and walking around a bit more we headed home.  The boys all enjoyed the ride on the sea bus home and 2 out of 3 passed out on the skytrain.  I love busy days like today, lots of stuff to do and you never get bored :)


I can't help it, when I see a shirt, or pants, or something cool for the boys I have to have 2, I have to match them!  Apparently my mother in law does to lol.  She bought the boys matching Thomas shirts!  How adorable are they?!!  SUPER ADORABLE!  hehe! :)


Ok, i'd really like to know who is visiting my blog from Coquitlam.  In the past month you've viewed my blog 17 times!!!!  It's kind of weirding me out cause I don't know who you are ....sooooo leave a comment below, message me on facebook or email me and tell me who you are!!! :)