Today a friend of mine took our boys down to the Lonsdale Quay, I love going there on holidays or weekends because the bus fare is so cheap. It's nice to go some where different once in a while too!
It seems like forever to get there, the boys were ansty and just wanted to get there, and so did I. Once we got there we walked around and then we let the boys loose. Outside of one of the stores there was a train table....and that was it, the boys were loving it! They didn't care that they only had cars to play on it and playing on a train table is some serious business!
We wanted to take them to the play area which was literally 10 feet away and we pretty much had to drag them all away from the table, it's like they didn't believe us there was a play area. Once they realized we actually weren't lying they totally forgot about the train table and were in the play area in no time.
lol, it's a lot of hard work in the ball pit!
If we ever get a bigger place i'm totally going to have a ball pit made, the boys all had a tone of fun and got a good work out. They would have stayed in there all day if we let them!
After a lot of play and walking around a bit more we headed home. The boys all enjoyed the ride on the sea bus home and 2 out of 3 passed out on the skytrain. I love busy days like today, lots of stuff to do and you never get bored :)