I've been making baby wipe cases for a while and giving them as gifts when people have babies. They are so much nicer to carry around instead of those ugly hunks of plastic. I myself have 3 different ones that I carry in my diaper bags.
Back in November i had this idea to start selling them. So I made a facebook page called Moms Make The Darndest Things (thanks for the name hubby ;) and since then i've branched out and made baby hair clips, baby legs, drawstring bags, bibs, pillow cases and of course cakes and cupcakes. My projects are going well and i'm coming up with more things to add to the page.
Right now i'm having 2 give aways, one for a Thomas pillow case and the other is a set of hair clips. If you have facebook come and "like" me before 100 people do and you'll be entered to win either one of those :)
Come "Like" me here! : http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Moms-Make-The-Darndest-Things/164716646899773